Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ... US policy will change the situation in the Middle East: new developments in Saudi Arabia and Syria In response to Saudi Arabia's oil facilities attack (/), the temporary, production close to that of crude oil production in the world has stopped. Saudi Arabia, while the country to import the weapons in the world, was not able to prevent the attack. In addition, Saudi Arabia of sense of crisis or not than not it is protected by the United States, to soften the attitude towards Iran, are becoming open the door of dialogue with Iran. On the other hand, in Syria northeast part, in response to the withdrawal of US forces, the Turkish army invaded (0 /). Anti-government Kurdish forces of Syria, which lost the backing of the United States, becomes the cooperation forced situation with the Assad regime, Bashar al-Assad regime began with a path to the recapture of the northeastern part of Kurdish forces have effective control. The United States and Russian mediation, but Syria invasion of the Turkish army has been temporarily stopped, because the claims of the parties to Syria are not reflected, to head to the left situation convergence is considered to be difficult.

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